Benefits and Risks of Spaying/Neutering

June 29, 2015

When it comes to the spaying and neutering of their dogs, a lot of owners are on the fence or don’t have enough information to make a decision that’s beneficial to them and their pet(s).

It is very important that before coming to such a decision you speak with your vet. They will be able to help you based on their expertise and understanding of your pet. Many vets believe that the benefitsĀ of spaying and neutering outweigh the risks.

Let’s first take a look at some of the risks. After spaying in females, there is an increased risk of developing hormone-related urinary incontinence. Males will also have a slightly higher chance of developing prostate cancer. In both males and females, there can be a higher occurrence of dementia as they grow older. Additionally in males and females, there is a higher chance of developing bone and joint disease if they are spayed or neutered before growth plate closure.

It’s not all bad news, though. Let’s now take a look at the benefits of spaying and neutering your pet. In females, spaying eliminates their estrus cycle (heat). As a result, this also eliminates estrus-induced aggression between dogs. Spaying also prevents uterine infection in females and decreases the chance of breast cancer and tumors. Another big benefit is that spaying reduces maternal pregnancy-induced aggression.

Neutering, as most people know, reduces competitive aggression and mounting in male dogs. It also reduces urine marking and your dog’s tendency to roam. Some important health benefits of neutering include reduced chance of prostate infection and perineal hernia, and the elimination of the incidence of testicular tumors.

Again, please speak with your vet before deciding if spaying and/or neutering is right for your pet. Every pet is different and needs their own special care.

Let us know if these tips were helpful or if you would like any more information on the topic!